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Igor Derouin Web & Language Services offers web development solutions for both businesses and persons.

Un bureau gnome avec des pages web et un editeur de texte

Let’s start building your web presence.

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  1. Web development offer.
  2. Examples.
  3. Contact me.

My experience comes from years of passion and learning, both by courses and self-learning.

My focus is on fast and responsive websites. Pages that will load quickly, and are accessible from any device. SEO1 optimization is also a core feature of my development, and with time I finely tune pages so that they are to be found via search engines and generate organic traffic2.

The tools I use are varied

WordPress, Hugo CMS, Google business… I am not limited to developing in a single way, and make sure clients, you, have the final say in how your website will be created. By working with me, you can be sure that the end product will be determined by you and not be just another generic website.

E-commerce, blogs, One page design., and more.

Whatever your needs are, I make sure to propose adequate and adapted solutions, both by creating functional web products and, if you wish so, by teaching you how to use your newly created website and fly your own wings.

The process.

He who builds a house must first sit down and think, the same can be said about web development. Every web product is unique, and so it would be difficult to give a fixed time scale for development, however, here are the main phases of the process :

  1. Mapping out your needs
  2. Research and proposal of adapted solutions.
  3. Development
  4. Debug, final corrections
  5. Optional : teaching you to use the product
  6. Ongoing : SEO and performance optimization, basic maintenance. 

Maintenance and optimization.

Since the web is always evolving, I provide maintenance and optimization services. Be it simple updates, or routine checks, or full rework of pages or design, I make sure that your website will not stay stuck in the past and always stays fresh and functional.

Some examples.

Here are some examples of creations for both professional and personal clients.

Gallerie d'art sur Gori's garden, vue mobile

Gori’s garden art gallery, mobile.

Kontra Bahrain desktop version website

Kontra Bahrain, desktop.

Petite Ferme Embir holiday rental website

Petite ferme Embir, desktop.

Un gite dans l'Indre

Petite ferme Embir, desktop

Petite ferme embir website

Petite ferme Embir, desktop.

Creation de site e commerce par Igor Web

Tailored clothing shop, desktop.

Petite ferme Embir, mobile.

Description of french gite in Indre

Petite ferme Embir, mobile.

E commerce by Igor Web Service

Tailored clothing shop, mobile.

Corporate website by Igor web Service

Kontra Bahrain, mobile.

gori's Garden created by Igor web Service

Gori’s garden,art gallery, desktop.

Apache Server local creation

Fun project, Apache file server.

Apache server for media files

Fun project, Apache file server.

See by yourself with links to some of my creations :

(Other websites not added on client request.)

Any questions ? Requests ? Contact me and let’s start building together.

  1. Search engine opitmization (Retour)
  2. “Natural” traffic, when users find your site by themselves with search engines. (Retour)

Contact Gori

Igor Derouin
+33 7 66 71 26 84


[email protected]

(France) SIRET N° 91502277600016

A worker from Megaman

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