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Friends, I have an unpopular opinion that some people of Reddit share : to me, The Hobbit movie trilogy is better than the Lord of the Rings one.

A good actore smoking some good herbs

First things first, I don’t understand how Peter Jackson could make three movies of around three hours each from such a small book as THE HOBBIT.

But the fact is, that while the Lord of the Rings is slow-paced and somewhat sad, the Hobbit is full of action and always joyful.

Perhaps it is the dwarfs team that make it funnier… Perhaps as some people say, Bilbo is better cast than Frodo (after all I was always making fun of Frodo crying all three movies long).

Now of course there are some lengths, and some details of the book are stretched out incredibly far away, and at the same time, the Lord of the Rings must truly be called a masterpiece and a feat, as it presents the books pretty faithfully, but I think Hobbit movies are a level higher.

To be fair I also prefer the Hobbit book than the Lord of the rings saga.

To me the Hobbit is smarter even if it’s a children’s tale, while the Lord of the rings, with all the weight of its maturity is somewhat heavy and a bit too much pretentious…

Now you hate me eh ? But it’s my opinion. I also think that the Lord of the rings story is in some ways totalitarian. The Hobbit leaves more space for criticism of doubt, the tone is less moralistic, it is the story of a burglar after all.

But the Lord of the rings is… self-righteous ? Enemies are enemies, heroes are heroes. There is not place for thinking. Even Smeagol the tormented soul is somewhat put aside as a mere tool used for the triumph of Good against Evil. As someone else wrote, Gandalf is more interesting as “the Grey” than “the White”, and perhaps this is the best we could say of Hobbit : while the Lord of the rings is pure and white, the Hobbit is grey, with characters of sometimes dubious morality (think of the greedy dwarfs who only think of their gold and their kingdom, the selfish elves that don’t care about the outside world) and a story that is essentially the story of a robbery, causing much changes in the world, but still a robbery, rather than a quest to save the Earth.

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