After months of reading Proust and Céline, Gori tries to read another author.
Montherlant’s Les Bestiaires is about young Alban being fascinated by bullfighting, that’s all Gori has read for now… Let’s see where it goes.
To be honest, Gori is not sure he will go to the end of the novel, Montherlant’s style is quite difficult, not that he is complicated, but he has something repulsive, maybe he
was trying to be unlikable ?
And what a strange passion he describes for bullfighting ! He compares it to a worship of the sun, with lots of capital letters and mystical concepts… Was symbolism in such
fashion at the time ?
Gori thinks maybe he shouldn’t read this book… Céline insulting the whole universe from his prison was funnier and lighter in a way…
At least the description of Spain is sometimes beautiful, if a little stereotypical…