Devotion to Ubuntu
Category: Uncategorized
Devotion to Ubuntu
Ubuntu 24.04 is out my friends. Gori has waited all night for the download to complete. Under dark clouds was a computer slowly breathing. The computer sits inside a house, which sits next to a hill, under a tree. The true devotion (bhakti) means that Gori woke up early to find the download completed. The…
Support the Garden.
Friends, if you wish to support Gori’s Garden, it is now possible. Visit the Support page and may you be blessed for your intentions.
=- The mysterious internet -=
The mysterious internet is characterized by interrogations rather than affirmations. (?) Is the Self a reality or an illusion ? (.) Is there such a thing as being ? (.) All of these questions are (among many) grazing like wild deer among the fields of the mysterious internet. (?) The answers are to be found…